MASH is an inclusive home school support group. By inclusive we mean that we are open to
anyone who home schools for any reason. Though we have very diverse beliefs and reasons for home schooling, we have the common
bond of being home schooling families.
There are many different ways to home school within the home schooling community.
These range from structured use of curriculum to no curriculum at all with many variations in between. At MASH, we strive
to accept and support each family's journey in whichever home schooling techniques they choose.
Our History
MASH was started in the fall of 2005 when the founding members were told by the local Montgomery
County libriarians that there were no inclusive groups in the area. For many months they fielded questions about
home schooling from local residents they met through story times and other library events. An on-going dilemma was not having
an inclusive group to refer the people who requested such. After a few months of research they began the group to help people
connect. Since those small beginnings (4 families) MASH has grown to serving over 71 families in a little over a year.